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Updated: Sep 11, 2021

Milou: A story of resilience

Milou was found in Arambol, Goa, living as a stray. At 6 months old, he had already been in a car accident and there was no choice but to amputate his front left leg. Thanks to Dr. Upendra Kumar, who performed the operation, Milou’s wound healed quickly, and soon he was running just as fast as the other dogs.

As a result of his time on the street, Milou was originally meek and terrified of almost everything - plastic bags, loud sounds, new people. No stray leads an easy life, but injured & ill animals are often treated even more unkindly. Luckily, Milou was given the time and compassion to recover, and has grown to be a friendly, loving dog.

Many animals with similar injuries don’t get access to adequate medical care and treatment as Milou did, and don’t survive there injuries. This is why we need more educated, capable, veterinarians (like Dr. Upendra), who are willing to work with shelters and animals who live on the streets, and give a chance to dogs, cats, and cows who seem beyond hope.

When they do heal, it’s often difficult for three-legged animals like Milou to find homes - people are hesitant to adopt a healthy street dog, much less one who might need extra care. Atul Sarin, founder of WAG, opened up his home to Milou, where he now permanently lives, playing & spending time with rescued cows, goats, and other dogs.



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